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4 Signs Your Dog Is Sick

By: Panorama Hills Animal Hospital

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                        4 Signs Your Dog Is Sick

June 9, 2021

It’s important to look for changes in behaviour of your dog as a signal to potential health problems. Unlike people, your best friend can’t describe their symptoms to you. That’s why it’s important to know what symptoms to look for. Here are four of the most common signs that the problem is serious.

Sign #1: Change in Appetite

It is possible for your dog to have a poor appetite every now and then. But if you see this issue persisting, you should see a veterinarian to look deeper into the problem. Pay attention to leftover food in the dog bowl as a reference point. You should also make sure to pay attention to your dog’s bowel habits to look for signs of gastrointestinal problems.

Sign #2: Respiratory Symptoms

Is your dog coughing or wheezing more often than before? Are there any unusual sounds your dog is making when panting? Does it feel like your dog is getting tired out faster than usual? These may be signs of a serious of a respiratory problem requiring veterinary assistance.

Sign #3: Fever

It may be possible that your dog is suffering from a fever due to an infection or illness. If your dog is panting more rapidly despite not having engaged in physical activity, grab a thermometer and check the dog’s temperature. A temperature above 103 F indicates that you should take your dog to an animal hospital in Calgary as soon as possible.

Sign #4: Fatigue, Weakness, and Change in Moods

General fatigue, weakness, and change in moods can indicate a deeper problem. You should also see if your dog is experiencing pain. Look for tenderness, wounds, excessive drooling, and whining sounds. Usually, sick dogs will tend to lay down for long periods of time.

If you see any of these four signs, schedule an appointment with your vet as soon as possible so that the potential health problems don’t become any more serious than they need to be.

At Panorama Hills Animal Hospital, we are proud to provide Calgarians with the highest-quality veterinary services. We are here when your furry friends need us. Contact us today at 587-804-7992 to request an appointment.



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410-1110 Panatella Blvd NW

Calgary, AB T3K 0S6


Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

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